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Graduation Requirements

Only students who have fulfilled District 219’s graduation requirements and have paid all current and past due school fees and fines (unless eligible for a waiver of school fees) may participate in the graduation ceremony and receive a diploma.

Graduation requirements for District 219 are not to be interpreted as meeting college or university admission requirements.  Parents and students are responsible for investigating college admission requirements.  The Niles North and Niles West guidance counselors and college/career counselors are available to assist in the interpretation of college admission requirements.

Subject Number of Credits Required


Consumer Education 1 Or a passing grade on the state proficiency test – CVE 1&2, CDE 1&2, HERO 1&2, or ICE 1&2 will satisfy this requirement.
English 8 2 in Freshman English, 2 in Sophomore English, 2 in American Literature & Composition, and any option of 2 credits in Senior English Skills, 2 in College Preparatory English, 2 in AP English, or 1 credit in College Preparatory English along with 1 credit in an English elective.
Fine Arts &/or Applied Sciences & Technology 2 Consumer Education will not count toward this requirement.
Health 1  



2 credits must be in a 1st year Algebra course or a course for which 1styear Algebra is a prerequisite and 2 credits must be in a course that contains Geometry content or a course for which Geometry is a prerequisite.


1 year of Junior Math Strategies is required during junior year for students enrolled in a level II mathematics course.

Physical Education 1 for each semester

in D219

For most students, this will be 8 credits.
Reading    1 year of reading is required for those students who score at or below district expectations on a standardized test, as defined in administrative procedures.
Science 6* Starting with class of 2017.  2 credits in Biology and 4 credits in the physical sciences (Physical Science, Chemistry, or Physics)
Social Studies 6 2 credits in Modern World History, 2 credits in U.S. History, 1 credit in Western Civilization, and 1 credit in a S.S. elective – Both semesters of AP European History satisfy the Western Civilization and S.S. elective requirement.
Electives   7 Additional credits not used to satisfy the above requirements.
Writing   All Seniors must successfully write a research paper.
U.S. Constitution Exam   All students must pass the U.S. Constitution Exam which is part of the U.S. History course.






36 academic credits plus 8 PE credits if enrolled in District 219 for eight semesters.